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Fort Craig was one of the largest forts constructed in the west, and was critical to both the Indian Campains and the
Civil War.Established in 1854, the primary function of the fort was to control Apache and Navajo raiding, and to protect the
central portion of the Camino Real, a trail which stretched from northern Mexico to San Juan Pueblo, 30 miles north of Santa
At the outbreak of the Civil War, Fort Craig remained a Union Army Post, manned by regular army troops.In 1862, after
capuring several military installations in southern New Mexico, Confederate troops under the command of General Henery Hopkins
Sibley marched up the Rio Grande to Fort Craig.The battle for Fort Craig happend on Febuary 21,1862, Sibley's troops fought Union Troops led by Colonel R.S.
Canby.The battle of Valverde took place upstream from Fort Craig at Valverde Crossing.General Sibley had won
a Confederate victory, although Union troops succeeded in holding the Fort and detroying half of the confederate supply wagons.What
remained of the Confederate supplies were lost at the battle of Glorieta, east of Santa Fe on March 28,1862, forcing the Confederates
to retreat back to Texas.